what do i do about my boyfriend?

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 what do i do about my boyfriend?

Post by anna76 »

My partner of four years is having doubts about me –when I rang him he didn’t want a lift home and he is trying to avoid me. he also said stuff like why have a girlfriend for or get married they just end up taking your money in the end anyhow. My partner has many fears-than he said she keeps ringing me –I will change my number. I really love this guy and feel he is for me forever but what can I do to help him overcome his fear? His past girlfriend really hurt him and took him for along of things but I am not like that. I love him because of jesus Christ. What do I do I am in pain
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 Re: what do i do about my boyfriend?

Post by John »

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 Re: what do i do about my boyfriend?

Post by KevinMcCabe »

I really don't know the context of your relationship. But if your relationship stays in boyfriend-girlfriend phase and won't get into marriage in FOUR years time, I'm not sure if your partner has this in horizon. I don't think it's a good idea if people (specially women) enter to this modern dating scene. Filter out early and quickly. Your time is limited. If he doesn't want to marry you, then move on.
 Re: what do i do about my boyfriend?

Post by Guest »

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 Re: what do i do about my boyfriend?

Post by KevinMcCabe »

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 Re: what do i do about my boyfriend?

Post by HappyManMartin »

KevinMcCabe: July 1st, 2019, 2:07 pm I really don't know the context of your relationship. But if your relationship stays in boyfriend-girlfriend phase and won't get into marriage in FOUR years time, I'm not sure if your partner has this in horizon. I don't think it's a good idea if people (specially women) enter to this modern dating scene. Filter out early and quickly. Your time is limited. If he doesn't want to marry you, then move on.
I highly agreed with you. Four years are enough to understand each other.
The culture of long term relationships before marriages is not a good thing to do, I believe it should be end asap!
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 Re: what do i do about my boyfriend?

Post by ScorpioSad »

HappyManMartin: May 27th, 2023, 9:25 am KevinMcCabe: ↑Mon Jul 01, 2019 11:07 pm
I really don't know the context of your relationship. But if your relationship stays in boyfriend-girlfriend phase and won't get into marriage in FOUR years time, I'm not sure if your partner has this in horizon. I don't think it's a good idea if people (specially women) enter to this modern dating scene. Filter out early and quickly. Your time is limited. If he doesn't want to marry you, then move on.
I highly agreed with you. Four years are enough to understand each other.
The culture of long term relationships before marriages is not a good thing to do, I believe it should be end asap!
I agreed with your words Martin!
 Re: what do i do about my boyfriend?

Post by annynmsfmly »

I can top this. Loll, Hold my Bible. Loll. :) I have liked the same man since I think it was him who came and did something at the hospital. He opened for a band who is now apparently a deacon at an orthodox church. I did not know they became orthodox, and I started gravitating away from music, entertainment, and all of that and more towards church before I ever knew. I have always been a Christian.
The band he opened for being a deacon has only furthered my attachment. I dont know why I bring it all together in my head and heart, but I bring in all together in my head and heart. As they say, you're on my heart just like a tattoo. *Sigh*.
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 Re: what do i do about my boyfriend?

Post by snus7705 »

He sounds like he's cynical about women as many men are these days especially in western countries. My recommendation would be to be the best GF you can be. Cook, clean, work out, do whatever he asks. Also don't rush anything regarding marriage. Just tell him u don't care about marriage through the state but only want it through the church. He will trust you more. Maybe one day he will offer state marriage but wouldn't count on it. That's the only way to really show him (not just tell him) you love him. These kind of actions will make an impact on him. If you're not willing to do this and you think he's too shaky, start considering a way to exit.
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