Prayer Against Demons

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 Prayer Against Demons

Post by Blueballoony »

I would like prayer and protection against all demons. I am currently facing continuous harassment. I would like them sent to the pit as soon as possible. I would also like anybody reading this to tell as many people as possible in order to get them to pray for this. It is for the good of the world. I would also like prayer for the mentally disabled, schizophrenic, and psychotic. It is the fault of demons.

I would also like prayer in certain things which I cannot disclose in the forums. Please

pray for me about these things also.
 Re: Prayer Against Demons

Post by Guest »

I will pray for you. But you can help yourself. If you read the prayer Our Father ... And baptize himself and the place where you saw the devil.
You are greatly simplify your life if you go to church and partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. For healing of body and soul. Observe all the Orthodox fasts. Fasting helps to fight with carnal desires. One saint said: "We must always be busy with some business and then the demons will not be able to get to you. I'm usually listening to MP3 player with English lessons WHEN I sweep.
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 Re: Prayer Against Demons

Post by Svetl »

I will pray for you. But you can help yourself. If you read the prayer Our Father ... And baptize himself and the place where you saw the devil.
You are greatly simplify your life if you go to church and partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. For healing of body and soul. Observe all the Orthodox fasts. Fasting helps to fight with carnal desires. One saint said: "We must always be busy with some business and then the demons will not be able to get to you. I'm usually listening to MP3 player with English lessons WHEN I sweep :bible:
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 Re: Prayer Against Demons

Post by Elizaey5 »

Once demons know that you know who they are (see Genesis 6 for the clue) and if you know that you are a son of God according to the scriptures, then you realize you are higher than the angels. We are god-beings, begotten of God which makes us the same, and from the beginning of time Lucifer was jealous of that, and the demons as well.

It sounds like you are bothered by Poltergeist activity, which are nothing more than powerful demons.

When one takes that stance, demons generally are afraid of such a believer as they are of God, considering you are of the same class so-to-speak.

Genesis 6 of course speak of the fallen angels and their resulting Nephilim. These creatures explain mythological gods, strange creatures such as big foot, aliens, poltergeists, and so forth.
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