Methods of studying foreign languages

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 Re: Methods of studying foreign languages

Post by Liza »

It's great that you had people who helped you when you first started learning English! Thanks for your compliment about my Russian--I also had many people who helped me (mostly at church) and listening to people and talking helps me a lot. And now I am trying to practice writing. Sometimes it is hard though, because I want to talk to people, but get shy and feel I don't know the right words! Probably you understand how that feels!
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 Re: Methods of studying foreign languages

Post by Serafima »

Liza: Sometimes it is hard though, because I want to talk to people, but get shy and feel I don't know the right words! Probably you understand how that feels!
Oh, yes, i understand it very well! I still have lot of troubles in communicating in English and my accent is terrible. :oops: Still a lot of work to be done. I am planning to join Toastmasters this fall. Hopefully it will help to resolve a lot of issues with communicating.
Nevertheless you shouldn't be shy, your Russian is very good. Practicing-- is everything. Especially that you have nice people around you. I believe they would be happy to help! :Rose:
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 Re: Methods of studying foreign languages

Post by John »

I learn English nowadays...with your help :D
I know better German :oops:
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 Re: Methods of studying foreign languages

Post by Happiness »

I was studying English at school, than in Lyceum. It was 5 years ago. My English was really very good! But then I entered the university and started to forget a lot of words, grammar rools etc., because the level of studying foreign languages in my Lyceum was much higher than in university. One of our English teachers in the lyceum was a native American Indian! It was unforgetable to speak with him on different topics! We also listened CDs, wached films... It was a great time! But now I feel that my English becomes worse and worse... :shock: :cry:
This summer our Lord gave me a son! :)
And now I don't have time for studying and developing my knowledges... :(
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 Re: Methods of studying foreign languages

Post by John »

Well,but as I see your English is still not bad at all. :good:
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 Re: Methods of studying foreign languages

Post by Happiness »

Thanks a lot! I hope, the conversations on this forum will help me to improve my English! :)
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 Re: Methods of studying foreign languages

Post by Serafima »

Happiness:Thanks a lot! I hope, the conversations on this forum will help me to improve my English! :)
undoubtedly :)
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 Re: Methods of studying foreign languages

Post by yttsarevatt »

Same for me. I live in a very ethnically bland suburb. If I ever hear any foreign languages being spoken outside of the opera, maybe, its Spanish, and I only really hear that when in the city or when standing in the queue at Chipotle.
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