Who is your favorite Orthodox saint?

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Lucian Hodoboc
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 Who is your favorite Orthodox saint?

Post by Lucian Hodoboc »

Besides the blessed Theotokos, do you have a favorite Orthodox saint? Or a patron saint for which you have a particular devotion? :Search:
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 Re: Who is your favorite Orthodox saint?

Post by Murphy »

There are so many great ones it's impossible to choose, I feel like! I like Saint Augustine a lot. Always have.
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 Re: Who is your favorite Orthodox saint?

Post by BodyAndBlood »

Well that is a difficult one to answer since we are to show no partiality . So I am going with all the apostles since all the other saints which follow after them are affirmed in them and their testimony.

I love the Blessed Theotokos for all the saints are born from her because all are born again in Christ whom she bore.
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 Re: Who is your favorite Orthodox saint?

Post by KevinMcCabe »

Seraphim Rose
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 Re: Who is your favorite Orthodox saint?

Post by texianfortruth »

I still have a great deal to learn about the saints.

I did watch a video about the life of Saint Porphyrios titled "With the Eyes of the Soul" which I found quite good:

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 Re: Who is your favorite Orthodox saint?

Post by Nikolai »

My favourite saints are:
1. Silouan of Mount Athos (died 1938)
2. St. Nicholas of Myrra (middle of the 4th c.)
3. Paisios of Mount Athos (died 1994)
4. St. Seraphim of Sarov (died 1833)
5. Fr. John of Kronshtadt. (died 1909)
6. Fr. Gabriel of Samtavro (died in 1995 in Georgia, former part of the Russian Empire)
 Re: Who is your favorite Orthodox saint?

Post by Guest »

Not much going on in here. I have learned that I should return to doing what was first done and realize how the Orthodox body has fallen. It has fallen into complacency. Since we lay claim to being grafted into the original olive root and tree directly by apostles, I learned it is important to return to what we are called to do- preach the gospel and address the issues plaguing the Churches and the world. Instead of resting on the collected laurels of those who came before us I learned, the best way to honor the saints who came before me and are over me, I must do what they did, that is, to preach the gospel. Things are really going amuck with the Roman Church and all the different sects which have sprung up because of her-speaking of Protestants. I do not forget the Roman Church too was grafted in directly by apostles. She needs prayers. Only the Orthodox and RCC can lay claim to that- being directly grafted in by apostles.

I believe that all the grafted in should start seizing the moment for souls. The sister to you has become a harlot. Been growing into that for a while. Now, her harlotry is at the pinnacle. Not for anything, I don't want to be a complacent spouse. I hope I can be on fire for the Beloved of my soul. I learned to not only talk about a favorite saint but to be like our favorite saint/my Mother. Carrying Christ in me, bearing Him in witnessing and protecting Him by standing up for my faith, praying and following Him wherever He goes even when it is dangerous. My prayer is to become like those over me that I honor, hoping I rise to all occasions, remembering I am a child of God not only on good days, but also on the bad. I know, there is only one thing that can come of being born of the Incorruptible Seed, which is an Immaculate Conception, it is to become like Mother Mary in Jesus. To be Mother Church, truly, is to be to Jesus as His Mother was/is to Him. I seek to be a Theotokos in the minor a reflection of the Major- " all who do the will of My Father in Heaven is My mother......My brother......My sister....Blessings.
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