Who can help me identify this Icon?

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 Who can help me identify this Icon?

Post by Finnlandia »

Hello, brothers and sisters!
I have recently stumbled across the following Icon but was unable to identify the tradition and time it stems from. Please help me find out, where and when it could have been made !! (note the crowns, seems very untypical to me) :bible:

thank you and blessings :)
Who can help me identify this Icon? - Mry.jpg
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 Re: Who can help me identify this Icon?

Post by BodyAndBlood »

Well based on the shape of the crowns it has a Byzantine influence. Not to mention the very pale depiction of the Theotokos and the God man.
Who can help me identify this Icon? - image.jpg
Who can help me identify this Icon? - image.jpg (22.69 KiB) Viewed 10368 times
To me it looks medieval Byzantine , just a guess.
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