Russian Historian Andrei Zubov on the new "church" of the Armed Forces, celebrating and...

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 Russian Historian Andrei Zubov on the new "church" of the Armed Forces, celebrating and...

Post by Anonymous »

Russian Historian Andrei Zubov on the new "church" of the Armed Forces, celebrating and iconising the leaders of Communism and its modern political and religious offspring:

“I looked at mosaics from the "church" of the Armed Forces of Russia - Putin, his friends Chekists, Stalin, generals with all orders, stars in stained-glass windows, posters of "Crimea is ours", Patriarch Kirill on a golden background... I am a historian. I know the numbers of those who died, died from unbearable living conditions, those who were shot in the back of the head, decapitated, strangled with ropes, buried alive, the tortured people of Russia, all countries falling under the fifth Leninist-Stalin regime. I saw these photos, and read the documents, and I know the reports on the excavations of the shooting ditches in Sandarmokh, in Butovo, on the Kashtachnaya Hill of Tomsk...

I know about the bishops crucified by the Chekists, and about the drowned monks, and mockery at the relics of the greatest saints of Russia, and about the blown up churches, and about the Icons and paintings burned or sold to the West, about the same Gospel cycle of Polenov... All this I know. And I will do everything so that all our people know about it, as the Armenians have been doing everything for a hundred years so that the whole world knows about Metz Yeghern...

Who allowed you, scum, to build this "church" and make it out like that, who allowed you to name Donetsk Stalin again, to polish Lenin’s monuments throughout Russia? Do you think that we Russians, we children of all the peoples of Russia, have forgotten the terrible crime committed in the 20th century to the sounds of the International and the Mikhalkov anthem, under the sickle and hammer, under the red star? You are trying to justify your KGB past, the lives of your fathers and grandfathers, their terrible deeds. For the sake of this, you do not open archives, for the sake of this, you keep Yuri Dmitriev behind bars. You are worse for Russia than Ottoman murderers for the Armenian people. You are also Russian and pretend to be Orthodox, but you are a beast who devoured your fellow tribesmen, and now glorify the exploits of cannibals and count yourself among them. You better repent, while you are alive; change your mind and the crimes of your fathers will stop troubling you, you, who are like the possessed man from Gadarenes, could only so regain your human image. But no, the demonism continues. And the "church" you have erected now is an indisputable evidence of your grave spiritual illness.

This church is a church on the bones of the Russian people, on the bones of all the peoples of Russia, on their suffering, tears and blood. Those who build it are damned. Those who decide to sanctify it will perform terrible sacrilege before The Lord Of Powers, a blasphemy, which will not be forgiven either in this age or in the future.

You started by robbery, and end with shame. You were pretending to be Russian, but you were covering up your Stalin-KGB essence. And you will be remembered not by mosaics in this pseudo-church, but by those photographs depicting your crimes from 1917 to Ukrainian boys burned in Debaltseve and Ilovaisk, to cut-off heads in the Syrian desert in 2020. And it is these images of the crimes of Bolshevism, and not the major ranks of marshals and demonstrators with placards of "Crimea is ours", that will go before the eyes of the world, year after year, decade after decade..."
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Joined: 14.08.2023
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Church: Orthodox Church of Greece
 Re: Russian Historian Andrei Zubov on the new "church" of the Armed Forces, celebrating and...

Post by SillyB »

Hello. This seems interesting. Are you able to provide some evidence of the icons of communist leaders being in this church?
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