Can you recommend me any novels that are somehow related to Orthodoxy? I enjoy reading literature and I am particularly fond of Christian novels, but so far I have found mostly fiction based on or related to Evangelical and Catholic Christianity.
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Can you recommend me any novels that are somehow related to Orthodoxy?
I think Dostoevsky's The Brothers Karamazov is worth reading too, though it is not that easy go reading as Fr. Tikhon's Everyday Saints book. To be honest I read them both in...
Hello and God bless !!! I have this item for a long time and I want to know much more about it. It is silver and have some marks for that..75 m / 45 ..56.6 grams and it seem is carved in moonstone or mother of pearl.
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Hello and God bless !!! I have this item for a long time and I want to know much more about it. It is silver and have some marks for that..75 m / 45 ..56.6 grams and it seem is carved in moonstone or mother of pearl.
Most of people in Tadjikistan are Muslims, as in the surrounding countries.
Both Muslims and Orthodox mostly are below the poverty line.
Our Dushanbe diocese of Russian Orthodox Church is trying to help all people, who come for help...
I believe that the Orthodox Church is the true church founded by Jesus and the apostles. I believe that Jesus Christ is in the Eucharist. That Baptism is essential to salvation. Faith and Works are important. I have...
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Are you an ex- Protestant or something who converted to Orthodoxy? To me that is what it sounds like, or are you maintaining your label Protestant and want to convert other Protestants to the Orthodox practices?
Either way,I applaud your heartfelt...
Besides the blessed Theotokos, do you have a favorite Orthodox saint? Or a patron saint for which you have a particular devotion? :Search:
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Not much going on in here. I have learned that I should return to doing what was first done and realize how the Orthodox body has fallen. It has fallen into complacency. Since we lay claim to being grafted into the original olive root and tree...