We are living on Flat Earth 100 % prooves

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 We are living on Flat Earth 100 % prooves

Post by peter »

Hello guys, i would like to share with you my videos, that are prooving Flat Earth. If you like it you can find more on my youtube channel:

(sorry some trouble with adding video, smth wrong with the forum, when i add them they just disapear)

1) the camera was uplifted to 30 km high - no curvature

2)Thousands of miles of miles on Flat Earth

3) How movies about space are made

4) Ships dont go beyond the curvature

Amazing 100 km zoom

5)Another camera was uplifted

6) Antarctica Ice Wall

7) The stars rotation prooves Flat Earth, because North star is always on the Dome in its centre and the North Star doesnt move. and all other stars rotates around it in PERFECT CIRCLES that only God Almighty could have made.

8) Bible prooves Flat Earth
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Joined: 06.03.2021
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Church: Orthodox Church of Russia
 Re: We are living on Flat Earth 100 % prooves

Post by Konstantin »

I also believe that the Earth is flat! Earth is not a glob and it has a firmament which upon there is a lot of water!
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