The Russian orthodox newspaper in English

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Joined: 06.10.2010
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Occupation: The editor of an orthodox newspaper
Church: Orthodox Church of Russia
Location: Russia
 The Russian orthodox newspaper in English

Post by Alfamega »

Dear brothers and sisters in God and faith!

Christ is in our midst!

We are glad to offer you the newspaper on the orthodox cultural heritage of Russia "Pilgrim on the Earth". The newspaper has been issued since 2007 with the blessing of one of the most well-known priests in Russia Archimandrite George (Savva), Abbot of the orthodox monastery. In our newspaper Archimandrite George is answering the vital spiritual questions of contemporary society. Other pages are devoted to the Culture of Russia: orthodox holidays,hagiography, injunction of saints, also painting, literature, history, etc. We will be glad to receive questions and publish Archimandrite George's answers to them. We are hoping that while reading the "Pilgrim on the Earth" newspaper the culture and history of Russia will become closer and clearer to foreigners.

We can send you a free issues of our newspaper for getting acquainted or for forming the library or reading-room.

Our newspaper may be interesting to those people, who study English - as a home reading. :bible:

To effect subscription it is necessary to address to one of the partners of JSC «MK-Periodica» in your country or to JSC «MK-Periodica» directly.
Address: Russia, 111524 Moscow; 10, Elektrodnaya ul.
JSC «MK-Periodica»
Tel. (495) 672-70-12; fax (495) 306-37-57

You may ask any questions at
Tel. 8 (918) 25-75-825 Theodora

May God reward you!
Sincerely yours,
the editors of the newspaper "Pilgrim on the Earth".
Total posts: 12
Joined: 06.12.2011
Children: 1
Church: Orthodox Church of Russia
Location: Ukraine
 Re: The Russian orthodox newspaper in English

Post by Happiness »

Thank you very much!!! :thanks:
I've been looking for such way of studying English for a very long time! :Rose:
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